Do hens have vaginas?
I know!! Weird & random, and i have a reason to how i came about to this peculiar question. So i was getting a drink from the fridge and some idiot(hope it's not my mom) placed an egg at the very edge of the shelf. Alright i admit that it was my fault that i dropped it, and as i picked the egg to throw it away, i proceeded to wash my hands like i always do each time i touch an egg. It's kinda like a habit now, since my mom has always told me that eggs came out of the hens' anuses. I don't know why i've never pondered about this. Today i asked myself," do hens have vaginas?" & i thought to myself again," i can't believe i asked that, of course they do! chickens have sex don't they." Then i realized that i don't know that for a fact so i googled, "do chickens lay eggs from their bum" Turns out, ALL birds, reptiles and amphibians have a cloaca, a multi-purpose opening where everything comes out of. Gross.
And guess what, some turtles and sea cucumbers can breathe through their anuses. Wtf much?!
Great i learnt 2 new things today :D and i haven't been online much due to work and now that i don't have a laptop i'm almost cut off from any online activity. Right now i'm using my dad's pc, he's in indonesia now. Oh well, hoping to get a laptop soon! And also hoping to get that animal presentor job at the night safari!
PS Shun Oguri(♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥) the lead actor of "Crows Zero" is backkkk!! in "Crows Zero 2", releasing on the 17th September 2009, only screening at GV Vivocity & Marina.
[Shun Oguri is also the lead actor of "Hanazakari no Kimitachi e" aka Hana Kimi]
@ 14:49