Deep & low bass sounds + trippy wobbles = orgasm
Dubstep largely originates from grime, with drums and bass incorporated. Some of them have reggae influences which i totally HEART. The more mainstream djs include caspa, rusko, chase & status, skream, and many more. My personal favs are whoa b & rusko.
(dubstep originates from Jamaica and UK)
I'm not very into the music scene and i don't know much about music, but all i know is i love dubstep, and probably is the only kind of electronic music that i'll ever love. It's not at all like techno or trance(which i don't like), and uh, hmm. IDK what i wanted to say. Anyway, it's music i can really feel. Listened to it throughout all the mugging i did for the exams that have just ended!!
THE EXAMS HAVE ENDED!!!!!!!!!! HOLIDAYYYYY HERE I COME!!!111!1oneoneoneeleven
Now, i can't decided between watching Bobby Lee on MadTV, or watching "The L Word". Bobby Lee is fucking genius. The L Word is a series relating the lives of a group of lesbian. Good show. I find it interesting how they portray love, lust and lies in the story.
OH and for people who watch the series "Skins" and enjoy the music they use, you should definitely check out dubstep. Also, even though you may think it's strange, goth people too. Dubstep has kind of a "dark" feel to it which may appeal to "dark" people. Hmm. Hah. Okay.
@ 01:48
Finally, my last paper is in 5 and a half hours. I've been really confused lately. Holiday's in 7 and a half hours, think i'll start blogging again soon :)
What am i afraid of?
@ 04:00